Title: Sleeping Beauty
Medium: Acrylic on stretched canvas. Varnished for protection.
Size: 400 x 295mm
Artist: Yi Wen Seow (c) 2005.
[More likely it should be named 'Sunburnt mermaid falls asleep in psychiatrist's office'.Currently going for $10.50 with 17 bids].
You can buy these hand crafted from willow tree "together figurines" for your wedding cake, or just the plain old mantlepiece for a bit of decoration. The figurines are not fully poseable. They are not poseable at all. However, they are ambiguous enough to let you draw your own likeness, alongside the one you love. Ladies: If you have a lover with blonde hair, just grab a paint brush and change it. You can even change the colour and design of your outfit from day to day. Fellas, If you don't wear kakhi pant's in real life, get creative, because obviously the 'artist' has just left it up to you. As if she were leaving a paper bag full of clay that was on fire on your doorstep.
"Susan Lordi's sculptures communicate a loving and personal connection to others and the world around us. Their simplicity and serenity bring warmth and grace to any home, and are perfect gifts for any occasion."
closes wednesday, currently selling for $2.50
That's all too much for one day...
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